When I started getting interested in Warmachine, the choice for my first faction wasn't a difficult one. I liked the style and character of the Khador miniatures, I thought they'd be interesting to paint, and I thought I'd enjoy their playstyle. Plus, the Warmachine starter force made for an inexpensive way to get started.
Eventually I came to understand that Khador isn't as good at being jack-heavy as I had thought, that Man o Wars aren't considered to be very good, and that the faction is mostly characterized by the strength of their infantry; but I don't play in tournaments, and Warmachine is nicely balanced for casual play. I find that those hard evaluations of what is good and what is not (the "forum logic" as it were) is really oriented towards a much more competitive, tournament-based environment than any I'm likely to play in. I can win plenty of games with jacks and Man o War units in my usual meta.
I wanted a lot of red in my Khador scheme, but I didn't want something that just looked like every other fire-engine-red Khador force. I opted for a much darker maroon and black mix for them, with black pieces mixed in, and a bright cyan to liven things up and put a unique touch on the force. Metal pieces are all in bronze with a reddish wash and gold highlights. The whole force has a very distinctive look. I'm really happy with how they're turning out.
Bases have rock outcroppings made of spackle, with flock and static grass, and a judicial scattering of Secret Weapon leaf debris. I've marked my bases with forward arcs in a muted maroon.
Incidentally, these pictures are the first ones I've taken with a crude light box that I bodged together. I'm still a long way from being able to take what I would consider good pictures (ones that are properly representative of what my models look like in the pink) but I'm getting closer.
The Butcher was basically my first warcaster; this was the first model I got after a set of metal Man o War Demo Corps, and the first one I painted, so this is where I was figuring out the scheme. Like any pilot mini, you learn a lot and none of the rest look exactly like him, but warcasters are supposed to stand out, so that's okay.
In game, the Butcher is my favourite warcaster. Axe to face, as subtle as a brick through a window.
I tried pSorcha for a few games but she just didn't click for me, so I converted the plastic Sorcha from the starter box into a Zerkova. Zerkova is complicated, nuanced, and strange. Switching from the Butcher to Zerkova is like switching from an M-1 tank to a speed bike. I tend to have a harder time winning with her, but when I do, it feels like I pulled off a complex and subtle magic trick.
War dog. Great little utility player. I really like how this guy came out.
Widowmakers. These guys were my first effort to adapt the scheme to someone who wasn't in head to toe armour. I tried to mix in a few different colours to make them a little more varied and ad-hoc, while still obviously fitting in with the rest of the force. It's something I'm going to have to push even farther into when I do my Woodsmen.
Man o Wars. The first full unit I got finished. These guys are hefty and it takes a while to paint them. They look very intimidating on the tabletop though.
Jacks! I have three of these bad boys and they're all magnetized so I can field all the available options. These guys were easy to paint and just look great on the tabletop.