This is one of those blog posts that doesn't have pictures of models.
There's a lot of stuff on the workbench, all Khador and a bit of Skorne while I give my Cygnar scheme some more thought.
On the workbench are a set of three metal Demolition Corps. I actually have a grand total of eight of these guys, thanks to the vagaries of packaging. I got the three metal ones ages ago, before I properly started playing Warmachine; I don't recall now but I might have had the idea of using them in some other game or a homebrew. Since I started playing I've fallen in love with the lumpy, bulky, way too slow Man o War units, and went looking for an extra two guys to fill the unit out. Since they have been released in plastic it's almost as cheap to get a full unit of 5 as it is to get two more individual guys in metal.
I'm painting the metal unit of 3 for now. The full box of 5 more in plastic are in a holding pattern until I decide whether I really want a full additional unit or whether I should just use 2 of them to fill out the metal unit and then use the rest for conversion fodder. I figure I can make a Man o War Kovnik, a Mechanik UA, and a really interesting objective marker.
My Koldun Lord is creeping towards completion and I have added Sylys to the in progress pile. Sylys in particular I'm trying to paint in a way which doesn't really match the rest of the Khador force but does fit in. I'm basing and painting him to match with my Khador even though I can use him with my Cygnar.
The other beast on my table is a Bronzeback Titan. This fellow is one of the ones that's half resin-plastic, and thank the lord for that; I can't imagine how monstrously hefty they must have been when they were all metal. Yikes. He'll be fun to paint though.
No games in the past little while, due to the havoc imposed on everyone's schedules by work and the rearing of offspring. Hopefully I can get a game in this week. In the meanwhile, making good progress with the painting, which is a pleasant change ...
There's a lot of stuff on the workbench, all Khador and a bit of Skorne while I give my Cygnar scheme some more thought.
On the workbench are a set of three metal Demolition Corps. I actually have a grand total of eight of these guys, thanks to the vagaries of packaging. I got the three metal ones ages ago, before I properly started playing Warmachine; I don't recall now but I might have had the idea of using them in some other game or a homebrew. Since I started playing I've fallen in love with the lumpy, bulky, way too slow Man o War units, and went looking for an extra two guys to fill the unit out. Since they have been released in plastic it's almost as cheap to get a full unit of 5 as it is to get two more individual guys in metal.
I'm painting the metal unit of 3 for now. The full box of 5 more in plastic are in a holding pattern until I decide whether I really want a full additional unit or whether I should just use 2 of them to fill out the metal unit and then use the rest for conversion fodder. I figure I can make a Man o War Kovnik, a Mechanik UA, and a really interesting objective marker.
My Koldun Lord is creeping towards completion and I have added Sylys to the in progress pile. Sylys in particular I'm trying to paint in a way which doesn't really match the rest of the Khador force but does fit in. I'm basing and painting him to match with my Khador even though I can use him with my Cygnar.
The other beast on my table is a Bronzeback Titan. This fellow is one of the ones that's half resin-plastic, and thank the lord for that; I can't imagine how monstrously hefty they must have been when they were all metal. Yikes. He'll be fun to paint though.
No games in the past little while, due to the havoc imposed on everyone's schedules by work and the rearing of offspring. Hopefully I can get a game in this week. In the meanwhile, making good progress with the painting, which is a pleasant change ...
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